Investment Options





Our investment portfolio

Offering a wide-range of investment opportunities.


Through our affiliation with Kovack Securities, Inc., we provide a wide-range of diversified financial products. Together, we offer you the objectivity of working with an independent financial consultant combined with the stability and strength to access the world's financial markets and a wealth of investment resources. Below is a detailed list of financial product offerings through Kovack Securities, Inc.


  • NYSE-listed stocks
  • NASDAQ over-the counter
  • All other major exchanges
  • Foreign stocks
  • Margin accounts
  • Employee stock-option plans


Mutual Funds
  • Open-end funds
  • Closed-end funds
  • Networking
  • Dividend reinvestment


Retirement Accounts
  • IRAs
  • SEP/IRAs
  • Roth IRAs
  • Education IRAs
  • Simple IRAs
  • Defined contribution
  • Money-purchase pension plan
  • Profit-sharing plan
  • 403(b)
  • 401(k)


  • Fixed annuities
  • Variable annuities
  • Term life
  • Variable life
  • Universal life
  • Whole life
  • Disability
  • Long-term care


Asset Management
  • Independent manager search
  • Performance monitoring and reporting
  • Wrap-fee accounts
  • Asset allocation
  • Fee-in-lieu accounts
  • Outside managed accounts


  • All major exchanges


Government Securities
  • Ginnie Maes
  • Treasury bills
  • Treasury bonds
  • Treasury notes


  • CMOs
  • Convertible
  • Corporate
  • Municipal
  • Zero coupon


Alternative Investments
  • REITs
  • Managed futures
  • Equity-linked notes
  • Tax Credit Programs
  • Mortgage Funds


Cash Management
  • Daily sweep accounts
  • Money markets
  • Insured CDs
  • Online account access
And More . . .
  • Education and 529 plans
  • Unit Investment Trusts